This Morning's Reading...

One of my friends was in jail recently for a while and while she was there she sent me some poems written by a friend she met there with the request, "Please read these in church for me and say a prayer for us and our kids."

Well, consider them read in church. The author is J.L.H. and my friend is N.

Everyone please put away your hymn books and stand for the reading.


Each one of us are individuals
We are here for our own reasons
Some are here for many seasons
We turn to one another for comfort
and support
For someone to talk to, to lean on
for life is too short.
We often feel as if there's no way out
Inside I'm screaming and no one can
hear me shout.
I know that some in here feel the same.
And deep inside we all feel as if we are
the only ones to blame
I feel in my heart that I surely do my part.
But I can not speak for the others
I am at fault in many ways
and yes I feel in some ways I should pay
But victims do - almost every day
I see more victims than I do criminals in here
and I feel as if we're treated like animals.

The World

The world isn't always what it seems
It isn't always what we want

we Make do with what There is or what we Can
And we often wonder how Does the world expand

sometimes the world Can be a Dark and Lonely place
and other Times it can be Loving and full of grace

The world is how we live it
The world is not Based on Living a Dream
although sometimes if feels Like
The world is one great Big scream

The world as we know it will soon Come To an end
But Through out The years the World has Become our friend
the world is our home
Mo matter how we Look at it
so we will Build it as we see fit.

Please bow your heads and close your eyes as we pray together for J.L.H. and N. and their kids.


