Things I've Learned

It's easier to have power over someone than to bring power under them.
It's easier to protect than to respect.

It's easier to make someone feel guilty than to let them feel free.
It's easier to make someone feel ugly than to help them feel beautiful.
It's easier to make someone feel stupid than to help them know their own intelligence.
It's easier to make someone feel small than to show them their true worth.

It's easier to make someone need you than to let yourself need.
It's easier to be indispensable than dispensable.

It's easier to deceive yourself than to deceive everybody else.
It's easier to prove yourself right than to prove yourself wrong.

It's easier to give grace than to receive grace.
It's easier to hold a grudge than to forgive.
It's easier to forgive than to accept forgiveness.

It's easier to be a benefactor than a friend.

It's easier to do than to be.
It's easier to do than to wait.
It's easier to do than to allow someone else to do.

It's easier to steer than to trust.
It's easier to manipulate than to walk alongside.

It's easier to organize everybody than to help them organize themselves.
It's easier to be the one teaching the song than the one learning it.
It's easier to preach for half an hour than to listen for half an hour.

It's easier to give charity than to receive it.
It's easier to give grace than to receive it.

It's easier to build walls than lay to a foundation.

It's easier to be numb than to be angry.
It's easier to be angry than to weep.
It's easier to despair than to hope.

God save us from what's easy.



L.Bo Marie said…
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