Why I Should Never Ever Be Asked To Organize Anything

Every couple of weeks, we try to have a meeting to talk about how things are going. This being summer, we hadn't had a meeting for a while, so somebody suggested I call a meeting.

So I sent out an e-mail to the group, and everybody that's in town wrote back and said, yeah, when and where. One team member suggested "somewhere funky".

After thinking about it and coming to the sad conclusion that this town doesn't have anyplace funky, I sent another e-mail, saying 7 pm at the only church in town I have a key to. They're our financial umbrella, accepting donations and issuing receipts which is a huge help. (They also have a really nice grand piano.) (Not that that's relevant, I'm just saying.) (It's also about a block from my house.)

So I drove over and let myself in at 5 to 7. Here are the

"Minutes of the Meeting"

Meeting was called to order at 7 pm. A quorum was established by the fact that there was somebody there.

Old business: There was no old business.

New business: A motion was passed to play the piano for a while until everybody got there.
Yeas: 1, Nays: 0.
Motion passed.

An unscheduled presentation was made by G., a church member who was on the property measuring something, telling us about the guy who paid for the piano and how he was a chauffeur and his favourite client was Ed Mirvish. A motion was passed to thank G. for his story.
Yeas: 1, Nays: 0.
Motion passed.

A motion was passed to keep playing for a while since it was only 7:30 and maybe everybody else was running late.
Yeas: 1, Nays, 0.
Motion passed.

A motion was passed that since it was 7:45 and it was getting dark and we'd have to turn on lights to keep playing the piano and obviously nobody was coming, we should adjourn.
Yeas: 1, Nays, 0.
Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned.

I went home and watched Jaws. Way too many ads.

I'd love to know what happened to the last e-mail, though. It doesn't seem to have actually arrived anywhere. I'm going to become one of these people who phone you and say, "Did you get my e-mail?"

Guess we'll try again next week.


Addendum. Talked to some of my team members. They definitely didn't get the last e-mail. I've decided to be gracious in my lonely faithfulness and forgive them.


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