Actually, I do, but it's usually into a microphone.
I noticed a while ago that I've lost my desire to sing along with everybody, standing in my pew. Sometimes I do anyway, but not this morning.
We visited a church in Bancroft called "The Bridge". No complaints, no criticisms. Liked the people, liked the vibe, liked the coffee, good bass player, good drummer, good sermon. I won at "Dodge the Greeter".
They even threw in a typo or two to keep me happy.
It's not a large church, so I felt a bit conspicuous not singing. Like the folks on stage might notice. Yes, I am that famous.
So I thought about why I don't sing sometimes and came up with the following reasons:
1. Sometimes my asthma's kicking up and I can stand, or I can sing, but I can't do both.
2. Sometimes the music is so loud I have to sing unhealthily loud myself to hear my own voice. I'm not sure why the band and mics are often so loud, but it's uncomfortable and I'm excessively concerned that I not damage my "instrument", as we divas call it.
3. Sometimes the music isn't so loud and the people standing in front of me can hear me sing. I can tell, because they start doing this o-so-casual, glance over the shoulder thing to see who's standing behind them. Then when we get to "turn around and shake hands with the people around you" thing, the glancer smiles at me and says, "I was wondering who was standing behind me. You have (insert cringe here) such a lovely voice!" This might not sound like such a big deal, but it's happened enough times over the years that I've become self conscious.
I don't have normal problems.
I'm special.
I noticed a while ago that I've lost my desire to sing along with everybody, standing in my pew. Sometimes I do anyway, but not this morning.
We visited a church in Bancroft called "The Bridge". No complaints, no criticisms. Liked the people, liked the vibe, liked the coffee, good bass player, good drummer, good sermon. I won at "Dodge the Greeter".
They even threw in a typo or two to keep me happy.
It's not a large church, so I felt a bit conspicuous not singing. Like the folks on stage might notice. Yes, I am that famous.
So I thought about why I don't sing sometimes and came up with the following reasons:
1. Sometimes my asthma's kicking up and I can stand, or I can sing, but I can't do both.
2. Sometimes the music is so loud I have to sing unhealthily loud myself to hear my own voice. I'm not sure why the band and mics are often so loud, but it's uncomfortable and I'm excessively concerned that I not damage my "instrument", as we divas call it.
3. Sometimes the music isn't so loud and the people standing in front of me can hear me sing. I can tell, because they start doing this o-so-casual, glance over the shoulder thing to see who's standing behind them. Then when we get to "turn around and shake hands with the people around you" thing, the glancer smiles at me and says, "I was wondering who was standing behind me. You have (insert cringe here) such a lovely voice!" This might not sound like such a big deal, but it's happened enough times over the years that I've become self conscious.
I don't have normal problems.
I'm special.