This is my 101st post. Wow. I must have a lot to say.

Which is funny, because I'm taking a break for the next month.

Breakfast this morning was wonderful. New faces again, old faces again. Good conversation. We took a minute to remember a man who used to live at the Motel. He died this week.

None of his family had been in touch with him for years and the ones DL could find were quite uninterested in changing that. After he died, DL tracked down the man's sister at the funeral of one of her in-laws and told her that her brother had died. She agreed to claim his body and look after him.

So this morning we all sang one of his favourite songs. Jesus Loves Me. What he was singing in the park the first time DL met him years ago. He didn't know all the words, but it was one of his favourites. Right after "I Still Miss Someone", which he'd sing to his daughter's tattered photo.

But that's going to be it for Dinners and Breakfast for me for a few weeks. Partly because this time of year is particularly busy for incompetent bookkeepers, of which I am one. Yearend deadlines come in 3 waves of which the worst are at the ends of January and February. It's probably backwards to stop doing something I love so I can get more of what I hate done. But such is life.

Partly also because I need to step back for a bit. One of our team members, who works for a para-church organization locally, says he likes coming to Dinner because it lets him just be himself. He can be "Bob, instead of 'Bob from xyz'."

I'm in danger of becoming 'Ruth from GTI'. A little while ago, someone who matters to me spoke against an aspect of what we do at the Motel. And I got angry, partly because they were wrong and unfair and partly because I took it personally. Taking it personally doesn't seem right.

So I'm making some space.

See you in February.

